How To Get Organized And Declutter

by SUZANNE LEBOHNER Licensed Associate Broker 04/09/2018

At times, trying to organize and declutter seems like a never ending task. You may have made attempts to declutter without many results. The truth is that with a plan, even the most disorganized among us can get on track to organization and freedom from clutter. Follow some of the tips below to get your home in order. 

Have A Goal

If your organizational attempts never seem to go anywhere, you may just need a goal. The idea is to pick one area and complete it. Organizing a little here and there won’t make any kind of a dent in your organizational needs. It will also look like you haven’t done anything to improve your mess. Work on one room, one area at a time and you’ll be on your way.

Utilize All Of Your Shelves

Many times the bottom or the top shelf of a closet or utility unit ends up getting unused. The problem could be that the shelves are so tall that no one can reach them and they go unused. You can fix this problem by simply moving the shelving or placing rarely used items up there that can be accessed by a step ladder.

You Have Too Much Stuff And Nowhere To Put It

Rather than buy a bigger house, you might want to go through your stuff. Between you and your children, you’re bound to have quite a few items that can be either sold or donated to a good cause. Consider setting up a donation pile in your house, where family members can put items that they no longer need or use. As an extra tip, don’t let the items that are for donation sit there. When the bin is full, put it in your car and head off to the donation center.  

You Have A Lot Of Little Things With Nowhere To Place Them

This is a problem that can be solved by the right containers. If you can find a container that’s best suited for what you need to store, it will be much easier to find and access these items.  

Things Have Sentimental Value

It’s nice to have a few things that you cherish and bring back good memories, but sentimental value items can really get out of hand. If you think of when you last looked at something or how much memory an item truly holds for you, it can be easy to get rid of a lot of things when you put your mind to it. You can ask a friend to help you go through things. An outsider can advise you on what to save and what you should get rid of.

Your Refrigerator Is Gross

If you’re finding a lot of spoiled food and moldy leftovers in your fridge, don’t fret. Just develop a clean out schedule to help you get rid of any food that is past its prime. Make it a point to have a designated day of the week to clean out all of your leftovers and expired food to keep the clutter that can spoil at bay.

About the Author

SUZANNE LEBOHNER Licensed Associate Broker

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